Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

When Oprah tells you it's NONE of your business - B E L I E V E her.  she has like 42 billion pieces of proof banked

When Oprah tells you it's NONE of your business - B E L I E V E her. she has like 42 billion pieces of proof banked

for the one in back now...
You are you, and no one is better at being you than you. Fact. (We’ve all seen biopics that prove this point over and over again, ESPECIALLY if it involves mimicking an accent.)
I’m not super great at remembering this at the moment when I need to, but if I’m carrying the weight of something some one said to@me that doesn’t bring value to my life (in a non material way) I work at putting it aside as none of my business.
Does this seem like I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth? Because if you know me, I have opinions and I share them. However, they’re MY opinions.
When I was a sophomore in high school, in English class I had to write an opinion paper about Romeo & Juliet (this was PEAK @bazluhrmann ‘a version with @leonardodicaprio & @clairedanes - yeah I’m dating myself). Ms. O gave me a D+. With comments (I’m paraphrasing) exceptionally written, impressive sentence structure however I believe you missed the point you were supposed to write an opinion about the contemporary version of the adaptation - this wasn’t to be an ode wo how amazing Leonardo DiCaprio is and how he was robbed at the oscars for his role in “What’s eating Gilbert grape”. This was an English class.
Where they teach you..English. How to write it and speak it in an educated way.
Not a debate class. We agreed, yo comprendo, right up until she said “The writing is fine (understatement) but I don’t agree with your opinion. The assignment wasn’t to prove I understand your opinion, it was to express mine. Which I did. She agreed. I then said, yet I got a D+. She said I graded it on the quality of the opinion and yours is wrong, eloquently stated & well sited but I don’t like your opinion.
I asked her what the definition of “opinion” is. (Go ahead, my name isn’t Miriam or Webster so hit google yo’self) I asked her where it said in the instructions that I had to discuss HER opinion. After a trip to Mrs. S’s office, where I was victorious, a lesson was learned. Your opinion is yours. So basically, your opinion of you is the most pertinent. You don’t like you? That’s a bigger question. (Off soapbox).

Pelofondo - why tho?

Pelofondo - why tho?

So sweet.  So sticky.

So sweet. So sticky.