Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

So sweet.  So sticky.

So sweet. So sticky.

I have a BIG, HUGE, sticky weakness.
Gummy candy.
They started selling “party size” haribo gummy bears.
What they don’t know, is I’m a party of 1. Used to take up the space of 3 - but I can totally take down a “party” sized bag of ‘em without breaking a sweat. (maybe a little with the humidity)
I shared my gummy sweetness shame with a very close friend (I’m looking at you @renep3244!) and she texts me “I bought an extra bag of the gummies for you to try & I will bring them to our ride in the morning.” (This particular friend gets me out and on the bike trail on sunday mornings, she makes me smile, laugh and we depend on one another to keep the tiny adults alive.
So about these gummy candies.
L I F E altering.
It’s like the people at @smartsweets Sweets knew they had a mountain to climb.
Colorful packaging ✅
Portion control ✅
Low sugar ✅
Low points ✅
And the all important...
Great taste & not weird texture ✅✅✅
The Sweet Fish in berry are my absolute fave (no DO NOT leave them in the car. You may however l, if you’re a gummy connoisseur like myself, leave the bag open overnight but clipped for a firmer texture - 💣.com)
One caveat. They are NOT as inexpensive as badder for you gummies. However way less expensive than buying bigger pants - it’s all relative.

When Oprah tells you it's NONE of your business - B E L I E V E her.  she has like 42 billion pieces of proof banked

When Oprah tells you it's NONE of your business - B E L I E V E her. she has like 42 billion pieces of proof banked

That day I did an Insta makeup tutorial

That day I did an Insta makeup tutorial