Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

Pelofondo - why tho?

Pelofondo - why tho?

Yesterday texting my friend Kirsten. She says she’s doing a pelofondo. I naively ask “what’s that?” All of a sudden, I’m doing it with her. Saturday morning. Between 6 & 8 am.
@pelofondo is a distance ride. The shortest distance today was 35 miles. THIRTY FIVE whole miles.
That’s farther than if I walked/biked to Logan. Or Bandidos. Its fucking far.
But, Kirsten has been here👏for👏me👏👏👏 and I decided (inspired by @whitelines character Boxer AND as always @bethennyfrankel) to come from a place of YES (more like why not, same result). Alarms were set @fabletics selected, all of a sudden it’s 5:45a and im@watming up for my ride.
Fast forward 137 minutes and 11 seconds later I’ve accomplished something I’ve never dreamed/thought/wanted to do.
Could I have done this 84.4# ago? No.
Would I have tried? No.
Am I sorry to have done it? Also, no.
Huge shout out to @tiemathletic for making the best shoes - my feet & glutes thank you.
@onepeloton 3 years in & I love my bike. Still.

TRUTH: I will spin for tacos.

TRUTH: I will spin for tacos.

When Oprah tells you it's NONE of your business - B E L I E V E her.  she has like 42 billion pieces of proof banked

When Oprah tells you it's NONE of your business - B E L I E V E her. she has like 42 billion pieces of proof banked