Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

This just in from Broken Arrow, OK (real place, check it.) - Storms don't last forever.

This just in from Broken Arrow, OK (real place, check it.) - Storms don't last forever.

In this unprecedented time, @ww has moved studio workshops to a virtual platform.
On thursdays nights in quarantine, I carve out time to visit with, get inspired by & support fell members and friends I hadn’t met yet in Broken Arrow, OKLAHOMA (a real place.) tonight there were a few members who’ve challenged themselves to attend workshops in all of the states! (They have maps to color & list all the locales and everything!) what a time to be alive?! To be able to connect with people walking the same path all over our glorious country without having to put on real pants? While that’s not my plan, it hearing things like this that bring a quiet smile to my face when reflecting. At WW you’re never alone (unless you want to be). I do miss my 1 square foot of accountability in a controlled environment - but 5 weeks into this BS and i feel like I’m back in the passenger seat of life. (I’m a TERRIBLE driver. I also don’t like to drive & while there’s someone out there telling me I can’t do all the things, passenger seat is JUST fine.)
If you’re a WW member search out some places. If you’re NOT a WW member - Now is the time the time. I trolled the site. You can join for basically nothing and the monthly pass is SUCH a good deal I may just cancel and re-up (because I love a deal). Thank you @zumbajamie for a fantastic meeting & quote.


If I were a Bravo Housewife, this would be my first season tag line.

If I were a Bravo Housewife, this would be my first season tag line.

So. Me.

So. Me.