Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

If I were a Bravo Housewife, this would be my first season tag line.

If I were a Bravo Housewife, this would be my first season tag line.

I am immensely fortunate that in these WICKED uncertain times I am able to depend on some consistencies. (Those are friends, family & WW virtually of course #socialdistancing)
It's funny, these past weeks (dare I say, months) have been really eye opening. I'm CHOOSING to look at that the glass as 1/2 full (and could use a refill). I'm not going to fart rainbows & glitter and say that it was an easy transition. It. Was (read: IS) NOT.
I went from a fully structured, scheduled suburban mom to a woman who didn't know whether to shit or go blind. Everything was a problem, obstacle or insurmountable challenge. E V E R Y T H I N G. Case in point - Try to get a small gold birthday cake with white frosting from Stop & Shop like you normally would for a birthday. THAT DAY. Have it written on, bring it home to discover - it's chocolate cake.
I am now this person who doesn't leave their house. Not because of some phobia (this is NOT agoraphobia) or inability. I'm being told by those with medical degrees, social & political standing & those with cameras and microphones that this is what I can do for my fellow man. F I N E.
After a very honest convo with my momma, new friend Jamie Bell & some really nice not Tiger King like people from Oklahoma & Louisiana. I changed my focus. It's easy to find problems. It's easy to see/feel and to think/talk about the problem. SOLUTIONS or what I can do - that's that harder end of the log I needed to hold up. I will NOT bore you with what may/may not seem like incredibly small, stupid dare I say insipid things I flipped the script on - because SPOILER ALERT they aren't actually what matters - THE MINDSET of what I can do, what I can control is the bottom line, the point, the everything.
What I have found is a way to mentally check myself before I verbally wreck myself (or my hapless roommate aka husband). It is not sunshine & unicorns but it keeps everyone alive & married)
I choose. to focus on water, good food & movement. It’s not going to solve for peace but it will maintain until we get to the new normal.

Breaking News: Oreos don't give hugs!

Breaking News: Oreos don't give hugs!

This just in from Broken Arrow, OK (real place, check it.) - Storms don't last forever.

This just in from Broken Arrow, OK (real place, check it.) - Storms don't last forever.