Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

The last month has been - S O M E T H I N G.

The last month has been - S O M E T H I N G.

Turns out my rock bottom is waking up on a public restaurant floor in RI after passing out & throwing up. (I had a stomach flu/bug for two days. Without rehydrating & nourishing, worked out - it all caught up with me & my punishment was not getting to finish my marg or chimi AND having my “friends” leave it at the restaurant and not send it in the ambulance with me - bound for a not MA hospital. I was fine, I am fine. It’s all fine. Now.) Anyway. Work closed. OTF closed. Schools closed. My whole world went off the rails - imagine the noise scratching a record makes - the soundtrack of my world.
I lost all of my structure & routine - seemingly overnight.
Instead of taking you down the rabbit hole of the last 30 days of my life - I’m going to tell you, I’m on the other side. Not 100%. I’m very nearly 750k and by math rules that’s basically 1M, right?
I’ve solved for a large portion the full time mom/working mom days. Found fantastic @ww meetings across the country. I resigned that I have enough of all of the things that the Amazon/ups/fedex drivers can take me off their sometimes twice daily routes (except @instacart - Dennis is my hero, who DOES wear a cape, mask & gloves) & I focus on all the I CAN do as opposed to NOT. Which is WAY easier said than practiced.
So I take it one at a time.
One meal
One minute
One tantrum
One call
One workout
One email
One snack
One chat
One wine
One bedtime
One everything at a time.
Thank you for listening, supporting & helping me get to the other side. ❤️ #progressandperfection

So. Me.

So. Me.

When your toddler tells you you're a Disney Princess, believe them.

When your toddler tells you you're a Disney Princess, believe them.