Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

This one time with Oprah & the Rock...

This one time with Oprah & the Rock...

Personally (for me, in the event “personally” wasn’t clear), Saturdays in quarantine have lost their oomph.
Leave it @oprah & @ww to say “hold my water bottle” (beer, not worth the points) & and put on your brows cuz today you get to zoom with @therock & O - This Saturday has @muffinhousecafe, promising weather & Oprie. 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ #myWW

I'm BASICALLY a doctor.

I'm BASICALLY a doctor.

dos de mayo

dos de mayo