Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

Rower - Dreadmill #1

Rower - Dreadmill #1

You may have heard (or seen posts) regarding my VERY first foray into stepping out of my “I don’t run” comfort zone of power walking right into my triumphant 2 minute, why the hell not during a 90 minute OTF workout run. Which was quickly (too quickly?) followed by a 16.32min/1.65mile showing yesterday.
HOWEVER, a few things (questions, comments & concerns) have come@out of my sharing the shocking, drive off the road news with those I hold near and dear. Ultimately the common theme was what changed.
Well a couple things...
Being 83# less fat. (Yeah yeah yeah basically a holding steady but less 1# since November because, I like cake.)
In like my 4th @otfmedway class with Eryn, I was power walking my formerly fatter ass off in the very last block when a fantastic song came on & coach Eryn said “let’s go, last one, best it for someone who can’t.”
The 90 minute that sparked my jogging feet that quote hit again. I thought about who can’t do this. Not the couch surfers like I used to be who choose to not - people who actually can’t, because they’re gone or sick or injured. So that’s what changed. I did it/do it for the former fatter girl I was just last year.

When your toddler tells you you're a Disney Princess, believe them.

When your toddler tells you you're a Disney Princess, believe them.

New year, same me.

New year, same me.