Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

Pump up the flavor.

Pump up the flavor.

When my water gets tough, I get flavors. Seriously, if I’m struggling with water intake, my super obvious tip is lo to no calorie flavoring. The premixed business freaks me out. So I defer to the old school powder sticks.
@truelemon are great but I find they have the most distinct stevia “taste”. My @sipcrystallight though, I love it. The grape has caffeine and that’s the bomb dot com and the fruit punch helps me curb gummy bear cravings.
With my liter bottles I use two, sometimes the same other times I mix it up. Then I drink it in a @yeti filled with ice & a favorite straw. It’s kind of like vacation if you squint, cover your good eye and spin yourself dizzy in your chair, but you get all the bennys being hydrated gives you too.

White Lines on Netflix

White Lines on Netflix

Life is a beach.

Life is a beach.