Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

Life is a beach.

Life is a beach.

I‘ve had a box of @landsend swim sitting on the couch in my workout/work space former nursery for a while now. I had all this chutzpah to buy so great quality suits for the shore in August. (For the whole season, but I’m vacating with my fabulously accessorized “in-laws” and needed shit that fit. Last season I squeaked by with clearance, oldies but okay’s. I was in between sizes and since I’m not printing it up in the basement and still waiting for the money trees leaves to finally change to hundos, I put it off. Then this sale. 50% off (then while I waiting for it to come they had a 60% off day and they price adjusted! I love a coupon.) anyway out of the bunch I selected these. I NEARLY got ballsy enough to snap some pics of me IN THEM. then I realized, ah better not. After all, jeans were pushing my concrete boundaries this would blow them up completely.
I love these suits because of the wrapped underwire, so the girls are up near where they used to be, there is subtle ruching to deflect & distract without looking like an assisted living resident and the prints are wild but they’re spunky enough for me to not get mistaken for sea life. all GREAT things.
I absolutely ABHOR wet bottoms. So I’m a day I will wear both bottoms poolside, but it’s almost like getting 5 suits in 3.
If you’ve ever had to peel of a one piece to pee, you will understand my complete obsesh with tankini. PLUS how does one clandestinely change in public from a one piece to gym shorts & a shirt to get back on board without having the schlep to the restroom and battle questionable wet, you hope from water, sandy floors. Or change into your sins going down fire pit gear in stages. LONG LIVE THE TANKINI!

Pump up the flavor.

Pump up the flavor.

