Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

Pancake syrup is serious business

Pancake syrup is serious business

In addition to why my little can’t go to Market Basket, the toy store (target ) & to visit friends at CVS in town I’m now going to have to explain to my tiny why “mama” (yeah, that’s me) won’t be on our syrup bottle in the future.

To those of you who are thinking, maybe they won’t notice. You’ve OBVIOUSLY never met the kid & that’s ok, but believe me when I say pancakes aren’t consumed with other, non Aunt Jemima syrup, too many bottles of other syrups have been told “that’s for daddy” when Aunt Jemima wasn’t available (ahem, on sale). Now I KNOW this doesn’t talk about discontinuing the syrup - it also doesn’t talk about the continuing the syrup under different branding either.

What’s next?!

(before reading more than just the title.)

(After reading most of the article & a few more )

Chiquita banana, Uncle Ben’s & Mrs. Butterworth.

This is/was supposed to be a funny little post about how the exacting standards of my babe’s will, again, be impacted by current events. Then I realized without the disclaimer/explanation below, theres a chance I could unintentionally offend people’s sensibilities leading to “unfollowing/unfriending” which to be honest - I expect. If not for my “rage” about syrup & my “silence equals compliance, complacency or betrayal” (yeah, I got your Messenger messages) then for those who’ve clicked through to see that I’m married to a LEO & wait for it, a non liberal & non democrat (he would say “I’m the elephant in the room”). Anyway, that’s cool. I’m good with that.

Disclaimer initially started here:

I don’t use my social media networking platforms to soapbox about my views often. I ALMOST wanted to put these above my initial status, but didn’t want to distract from the initial levity & humor of the core message behind the post, which is for those who have gotten distracted: Aunt Jemima is THE syrup in our (let me put it in all caps for the people who think/want to believe or are unsure if I’ve discovered the best sunless tanning moisturizer ever or if I am actually) MULTI RACIAL family.

(I’m not tying to “color” my point like the Candace woman. To usurp your offense, or assuage any offense up to this point. I’m sharing my personal - to me - opinion, which I am free to have and share & you are equally as free to disregard.)

Just like with people, it’s not the outside (label) that matters - it’s what’s inside (specific to the syrup only in relation to the taste of the syrup and the label, I do not recommend, condone consuming people regardless of their outward appearance. Icing? “People will forget what you (the label) said, but they will never forget how you (the pancakes) made them feel (taste)” - yes that is an adapted quote from Maya.

If you’re sitting feeling some kind of way about this whole post, remember it’s basically about my potentially feeling melancholy about the loss of my favorite syrup.

One job.

One job.

Real talk (not to be confused with the Red Table kind) this is more sit here and lemme tell you a story talk.

Real talk (not to be confused with the Red Table kind) this is more sit here and lemme tell you a story talk.