Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

One job.

One job.

In quarantine, I have found my internet service fine but it’s has its moments. If there is ONE piece of equipment I depend, rely, count, bank and anticipate on being like 🇨🇭⌚️ (Swiss timepiece) precise. It’s this one. The scale. 1 square foot of unbiased “judgement” and assessment of how of all your efforts measure up. (A couple weeks or days ago I posted that your worth is not a number on the scale. I stand by that. The data isn’t about you. The data has little to do with you personally and everything to do with your journey as a whole. It has about as much to do with your entire journey as mike markers, exit numbers and cardinal directions have to do with your destination. It’s one data point to highlight where on the map/path of your journey.)
My square foot of brutal honesty before quarantine has always been secondary. A mental checkpoint in the week. I never questioned the integrity or accuracy of the results because between 6:45 & 7:30 on Saturday mornings I would go see Bette & she would give me the “official reading”. I casually mentioned my scale and my skepticism to one of my friends & accountability partners (the very same one who has this ability to talk & text me into 35 minute peloton rides, nature walks & now camping), who recommended I take a weight & weigh it to check its accuracy. So I did.
The scale of off.
By 20#? No. That would be defective and immediately destroyed.
By 2.2#. If you say “that’s not much” I’m implore you to say that to my face. Or any of my fellow WW members faces. Could it be worse? SURE. am I being overly dramatic? Probably. Do I feel better? HELL YES. that 2.2# I’ve ADDED that aren’t technically there.
Does this change how I live, love, work & journey on? No. It can’t. It does however bring me closer to the elusive charm I’ve been chasing.

Fix your ponytail & try again.

Fix your ponytail & try again.

Pancake syrup is serious business

Pancake syrup is serious business