Based in Massachusetts, Stephapedia is a blog by stephanie cullen. Her posts are about all of the things - from her purview, alone. she writes candidly about life, love, & all the in between stuff too, travels, & being a “CENTENNIAL” being. (aka on X, Y MILLENNIAL Generational Cusp.)

La Casa de Papel

La Casa de Papel

This review is brought to you by pure unadulterated discomfort paired with a slice of insomnia. 


I figured, instead of another humblebrag post about my surgery and all my blessings. I thought 1:58a sound like the PERFECT time for a (most likely late to the party) review of a Netflix show I cannot get enough of. 


I think it was May yep. DEFINITELY May, when I stumbled into an obsessive addiction to Netflix’s & Álex Pina’s White Lines. I mean. Boxer. (Not since December 1997, have I watched and rewatched and rewatched times a lot anything like this before. You’re thinking Downton (if you’re on here frequently) and still NOPE. I’m only 4 full times fully through and 3 of the movie so. Yeah. Also, due to 9-0 & the music copyright disaster that was the early 2000s I’ve only seen that 3 times total but start to finish twice because censorship.)

So after finally finishing the series that never did what I expected, HTGAWM (2 episodes from the SERIES finale and Shonda shook me with a new character wrinkle FROM THE BEGINNING! I mean. Knock me over with a feather, of course you’d have to stand me up first - details). My love muffin & I were spending some quality supine time choosing our next show together. We weren’t always this spontaneous & exciting, I swear. 

I had just started Selling Sunset (they had me at Tarek doesn’t appear on the show) & I’ve read some chatter about it and thought alright. Husband as a hard NO. He chocked it up to insufferable for him, like basically anything on Bravo. 

So off we scrolled. I’d seen the title “La Casa de Papel” in a few articles I’d read in my deep dive feeding my Nuno Lopes/white lines  infatuation. Never really gave it much thought. And when I’d read a little about it I was under the impression it would be all subtitles because it was Spanish language. My beloved doesn’t love the reading part of watching tv. To my surprise & delight, we found it was English dubbed. Yay! Show selected. 

Money Heist is a show that is deceiving if you have a show watching partner in charge of season & episode count, it say 4 parts. So you’re like 💥 easy peasy. Right? WRONG. you’re sucked in because Álex’s character development is downright masterful only to discover. Yeah it’s JUST 4 parts of 15, 9 & something & something episodes a piece! NOT so easy peasy. 

I can’t discuss A LOT without giving away a lot. So I’m going to tell you why I like it. 

Unpredictable is such a pedestrian word to use to describe the plot & all the twists, turns & developments. Mercurial, dubious & erratic work too but not for all episodes. So far, anyway. 


If you’ve seen white lines, and you enjoyed it & all the cinematography & story telling through flashbacks intertwined with present day, you are in luck! (If not, might want to give a pause and ask why you’re still reading this.)

The actors are wonderful and the dubbing is pretty awesome. There are some times you can tell that an exact translation isn’t occurring (if you speak Spanish & understand that some Spanish is spoken with a sort of lisp, which when Boxer speaks it, it is intoxicating. 

Ok. I’m back. 

The characters are not what you’d expect. A better international brad & George less oceans team. Also, if you liked oceans 11 - THIS show is right up your ally. If you didn’t enjoy it, have you NO joy in your life - in future, I’d appreciate it if you just kept scrolling. (Downton reference!)

It’s 2:31. 

This series hits all the high notes. It’s thrilling, funny at times, risqué, suspenseful, interesting with some interesting relationship/ friendship start & finishes. 

I cannot wait to finish. 

I’m trying wicked hard to respect the you shouldn’t Pre watch when you’re watching with but, it’s really fucking hard. Thankfully, we are watching under my Netflix profile so it will keep me honest AND I don’t know if you know this about me but I believe in the inter webs algorithms. And that they exist to make my life easier, better, more convenient. And I can’t start watching it on another profile because that algorithm will be effed up like my DH’s it’s crime shows, documentaries & The Octonauts. Like I can’t. It’s similar to notification bubbles on my phone. I just cannot. 

Money Heist aka La Casa de Papel (which I’m sure there are people out there like why did they have to change the name or put it in English, I don’t care. I’m happy they did, that said my second viewing when I’m back on the peloton training for my next pelofondo (yup doing that crazy shit again, god willing & this time, 50 miles), I will most likely watch the Spanish version. That’s just me. But if you’re looking to make an issue out of dubbing please troll elsewhere. Personally I see it as an opportunity to widen the global expanse of the viewership.) is a series that is expected to have 1 final season/part. This gives me such relief because while I am a big fan of Álex and his craft, his mid season/series endings leave A LOT to be desired. I’m not saying I need to be emotionally wrought between parts (I see you Greys) but the white lines ending left me WAY more questions (biggest & most surrounding boxer) than answers and I found the end of part 1 of Money heist to be the same. Which is fine, for now. 

For. Now.

The end. 


(I don’t know why the time was so important to me to note this time around. Maybe because I started this post in OneNote and it shows the time it started? And wanted to keep myself accountable for time on how long I spent on it? I did this before when I took 45 minutes to write a diatribe on breakfast syrup. 


6 weeks later.  That's the title of not only the past 6 weeks, but what I would name my editorial (or post).

6 weeks later. That's the title of not only the past 6 weeks, but what I would name my editorial (or post).

I’ve started this message 3 times!

I’ve started this message 3 times!